

March 14, 2022

The busiest time of the year for lawn care companies is right around the corner. A little extra preparation now can minimize down time for your rigs when you need them the most. Specifically, stocking up now on the parts that you’re most likely to have to replace will speed up many common repairs and get your trucks back out on the road generating revenue.

To give you an idea of what your fellow lawn pros are doing, here are our best-selling parts so far this year. Our warehouse team reports that trends in 2022 are similar to those seen in previous years. The products at the top of our list are hoses for the start of the spraying season, along with kids to repair diaphragm pumps that froze over the winter.

½” Super Swivel end – for Hannay reels

high-quality steel with greaseable ball bearings

GSE part number: 9SS

SKU: 10015

Lesco Chemlawn Spray Gun – various colors and sizes

poly material with ¾” FNPT inlet connection

GSE p/n: 7642

SKU: 100029

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Blueflex AR43285 Diaphragm Kit – for AR-30 pumps

– two (2) diaphragms

– one (1) accumulator diaphragm

– four (4) valve O-rings

GSE p/n: AR43285

SKU: 100180

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Bean R10 Valve Packing Kit

– 4-valve stainless steel spring and disc assembly
– four (4) stainless steel valve seats
– six (6) O-rings, 1  x 1/8”

GSE p/n: 5251825

SKU: 1000271

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Bean R10 Cylinder Packing Kit

– two (2) packing cups
– four (4) cylinder gaskets
– two (2) cap screws
– two (2) O-rings

GSE p/n: 5251827

SKU: 1000272 )

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As you’re prepping your rigs for spring and ordering any needed parts that you don’t already have on hand, consider the components that you’ve had to replace most frequently or that are nearing the end of their useful lives. Spending now can save you valuable time and money as your peak season gets underway.